CLASS descriptions
"From the moment I tried my first kizomba workshop, I was hooked. Lynnette and her team at Capital Kizomba are awesome. They are friendly, warm, helpful and very passionate about dance. Instruction is clear and spot on. They keep you challenged and improving from week to week. I now find myself excited and looking forward to Mondays."
- Danielle E.

Kizomba 1A, 1B, 1C (Beginner) ~ 3-4 months
Kizomba is a popular walking dance that originated from Angola in the 1980s. The word "kizomba" means "party". It has a zouk rhythm and the dance has been influenced by semba, zouk, konpa & coladeira. Although it has some similarities to urban kiz, the body position, way of walking, manner of leading & music are all different. Our kizomba classes incorporate the José N'dongala methodology from Kizombalove Academy as well as other Kizomba training we have received (see Instructors). Students must take all 3 blocks of kizomba before progressing to kizomba 2 or urban kiz 2.
KIZOMBA 2 (int/Adv) ~ 1.5-2 YEARs
Taken after completing kizomba 1A, 1B & 1C. Each of the modules can be completed in any order. Students will build upon the foundation they acquired by learning various concepts including:
Kizomba 2 - Ida Volta & Bunda Styling
Kizomba 2 - Romantic Saidas & Dips
Kizomba 2 - Seated Dips & Leg Connections
Kizomba 2 - Walking Turns & Dips
Kizomba 2 - Cha Cha Your Walk
Kizomba 2/3 - Leg Lift Combos
Kizomba 2/3 - Blocks & Turn Combos
Kizomba 2/3 - Style & Footwork I
Kizomba 2/3 - Dips & Footwork Combos
Semba 1 - Intro to Semba
Urban kiz 2 (int/Adv) ~ 1.5-2 YEARs
Taken after completing Intro to Urban Kiz. (Kizomba 1A, 1B & 1C are also strongly recommended). Each of the modules can be completed in any order. Students will build upon the foundation they acquired by learning various concepts including:
Urban Kiz 2 - Funky Pivots & Walk Arounds
Urban Kiz 2 - Intricate Syncopations & Pace Changes
Tarraxo/Tarraxa (see description below)
Urban Kiz 2 - Intro to Musicality
Urban Kiz 2 - Playful Leg Sweeps & Lifts
Urban Kiz 2 - Cool Dips & Blocks
Urban Kiz 2 - Douceur
Urban Kiz 3 - Crazy Syncopations
Urban Kiz 3 - Slow Motion & Timing
Urban Kiz 3 - Tarraxa your Urban Kiz!
Urban Kiz 3 - Groovy Dips & Blocks
Urban Kiz 3 - Advanced Leg Touches & Lifts
Urban Kiz 3 - Advanced Pivots & Turns
Urban Kiz 3 - Musicality & Playfulness
Urban Kiz 3 - The Shadow Position
Tarraxhina is a partner dance in body movement. It can be danced to tarraxhina music or to parts of a kizomba song that have tarraxhina. Students will work in partners and learn how to lead & follow various body waves, circles, figure 8s, bumps, pops & more.
tarraxa & tarraxo
Tarraxo and tarraxa have developed from urban kiz. They incorporate body movement from tarraxhina as well as other body isolations from hip-hop & brazilian zouk. Often people incorporate tarraxo & tarraxa when dancing urban kiz.
Intended for students interested in mastering urban body movement. The first hour of the class will focus on upper / lower body styling, including bumps, pops, waves, circles, figure eights, arm isolations, balance & other urban kiz & tarraxa body movements. The last 30 minutes of class will focus on strengthening and toning the abs, bum & thighs, critical elements to improve body movement when dancing urban kiz & tarraxa. Drop-ins are welcome.
For those who want to learn body movement particular to kizomba. Men will work on loosening the hips, maintaining balance when walking, proper shoulder disassociation during saidas, fluidity in transitions, body speed intention, and more. Ladies will work on ginga (bum & hip) styling as well as waves, circles, figure 8s, bumps, weight transition, shoulder disassociation & transitions.
Offered as part of our Kizomba 2 series. Semba is a traditional Angolan dance that comes from Masemba meaning the "touch of the bellies". It is a festive and joyful partner dance that laid the foundation for kizomba to be born. Students will begin with developing a foundation in semba. More advanced style and footwork will then be incorporated. Our semba classes incorporate the José N'dongala methodology from Kizombalove Academy as well as other Semba training we have received (see Instructors page).
Join our choreography team and perform at various events in Ottawa and the surrounding areas! It is known that performing makes you a better dancer, allowing you to master your technique while having fun. It takes a minimum of 2-3 months to learn and perfect the choreography and may include a combination of kizomba, semba, styling, tricks & afrohouse. Students are expected to purchase their own costumes (under $100).
Students are required to complete the foundational Kizomba 1A, 1B, 1C before Kizomba 2.
Students are required to complete Intro to Urban Kiz before Urban Kiz 2. (Kizomba 1A, 1B, 1C are also strongly recommended.)
Sorry, no refunds or carryovers for missed classes.